This app is useless.
The whole point of having this app is so you can disarm your alarm before you enter your home or business.
I can literally pull out my keys, open my front door and disarm the system on the main keypad faster than I can do with the app.
I have XFINITY at another property and everything is in real time, and is easier than using the keypad.
With this garbage it just takes forever, then I have doubts the system actually set.
I would seriously get rid of this garbage if I didnt have several hundred dollars invested in the main board and expansion boards.
I even hooked this garbage to a eithernet connection with 150 meg internet service and its still slow as hell.
Seriously, Honeywell makes a great alarm, but their app really needs to be completely over hauled.
Its not my equipment, phone or internet. Its all good. Its this dumb app.
Metro25dish about Total Connect 2.0, v3.13.9